Visalia Property Management Services You Can Trust

When you’re looking for Visalia property management services, be it in the Goshen, Traver, London neighborhoods or the surrounding areas, 确保你与一家Visalia业主信任的房屋租赁公司合作,不仅满足你的需求,而且超出你的期望. That’s what we specialize in at The Equity Group.

Whether you have a single family home, an apartment building, or a commercial space, we’re here to help you make the most of your investment. We’re an energetic, proactive team that loves real estate. 我们的目标是为Tulare和Kings县的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩带来领导力.


Services to Improve Your Rental Property’s Return On Investment

We understand the local market in Goshen, Traver, London, and Chinowths Corner and elsewhere in Visalia.

We can tell you the appropriate price range for your property. That’s where our marketing plans begin.


Expert Online Advertising for Your Investment Property

We’ll advertise your Visalia property on our own website, as well as all of the leading rental websites found online. We’ll be sure to cast a wide net, including Visalia neighborhoods like Goshen, Traver, London and Chinowths Corner. 吸引了大批寻找住房的优秀租户. The benefits of our showing system include:

  • Prospective tenants can see the home on their own time.

  • 潜在客户可以使用我们的rent rent系统,该系统允许根据他们自己的时间表显示无人居住的物业长达一个小时,并提供安全注册和信用卡.
  • 我们的系统减少了您的空置时间,并使我们能够快速地安置一个伟大的租户.

Screening and Leasing Services for Property Owners

Before a tenant applies for one of our Visalia properties, we thoroughly discuss the rental criteria that must be met. We require tenants to verify their income, 我们会对所有年满18岁的住户进行信用和犯罪调查. Tenants know this before they apply for your home.


Proper Tenant Placement Means Better Property Protection

保护您的维萨利亚财产对我们来说很重要,我们对待房客就像对待家人一样. We’re only going to place residents who are responsible, communicative, and able to demonstrate a history of responsible rental experiences. Here are some of the steps we take while screening:

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  • We check eviction records
  • We talk to former landlords
  • We really get to know the tenant we’re putting in your home

Coordinating Rental Property Maintenance and Repairs

The Equity Group protects your Visalia property.

我们的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩mg冰球突破豪华版试玩包括维护与当地供应商的关系,以确保您以最具竞争力的价格获得最好的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩. 无论你是在租户之间进行装修,还是在你的房产被占用时进行意外维修, we are here to coordinate every detail.


Money-Saving Maintenance Systems

我们用自己的维修人员来处理小修小补,为您节省了费用, and having high standards for the vendors we work with. 我们所有的供应商和承包商都是有执照的,有保险的,专业的. 无论您是在Traver, Goshen还是在Visalia的其他地方,我们都会为您提供最好的供应商.



Property Management Through Innovative Technology

We make communication easy. 我们的维萨利亚办公室24小时都有人可以接听电话, in case your tenants call with an emergency. Your tenant won’t be left hanging for days, waiting for a return phone call or a response to an email.


Open and Transparent Communication and Information

We are prompt and responsive, 我们理解公开沟通和提供透明信息的重要性.

您可以随时mg冰球突破豪华版试玩的负责人和Visalia经理. 这就是为什么我们是Visalia业主所依赖的房屋租赁公司. 我们在这里为您提供帮助,我们知道,全面的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩mg冰球突破豪华版试玩意味着可用.

Visalia property management services

Wondering What Your Property Will Rent For?

合适的租金价格将影响你吸引的租客类型和你在空置上损失的金额. We’ll help you collect the most you can, while keeping you competitive with other properties in the market.

Talk to us about a free rental analysis, 我们将向您展示为您的Visalia物业设定合适的租金价格是多么容易.


testimonial quote icon

在过去的两年里,我们非常高兴有你来管理我们的维萨利亚酒店. Since we now live outside the area, 知道你是我们的受托人,我们可以指望你对租赁过程的各个方面的称职处理,这让我们安心. 感谢您对我们的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩,我们期待与您保持持续的关系.

– Alex

How Much Is Property Management?


Leasing Only Service
Full Service Management - Single Family Home
Full Service Management - Multi Family and Commercial
Management Fee 1 Month's Rent $95 Flat Per Home * 5-8% of Collected Income **
Marketing the Property
Rent Assessment
Finding Tenants
Tenant Screening
Full Legal Compliance
Property Maintenance
Discounts for Repairs
On-Time Rent Collection
Eviction Process Handling
Property Accounting and Reporting
Monthly Owner Statements
Owner and Tenant Portals

Lease Only Service

1 Months Rent

Marketing the Property

We use a comprehensive advertising plan, including online avenues as well as traditional platforms, to reach all potential tenants.

Rent Assessment

We thoroughly research market rates to maximize the rent amount. We also recommend property improvements to increase asking rents.

Finding Tenants


Tenant Screening

我们制定了很高的资格标准,并有详细的申请流程, which includes employment checks, income verification, background checks, face-to-face interviews, rental history checks.

Full Legal Compliance

Our leasing agents are all licensed real estate agents. And, 我们所有的租赁活动都是按照州和联邦法律以及全国房地产经纪人协会的道德准则进行的.

Full Service Management – Single Family Home

$95 Flat Per Home *

Marketing the Property

We use a comprehensive advertising plan, including online avenues as well as traditional platforms, to reach all potential tenants.

Rent Assessment

We thoroughly research market rates to maximize the rent amount. We also recommend property improvements to increase asking rents.

Finding Tenants


Tenant Screening

我们制定了很高的资格标准,并有详细的申请流程, which includes employment checks, income verification, background checks, face-to-face interviews, rental history checks.

Full Legal Compliance

Our leasing agents are all licensed real estate agents. And, 我们所有的租赁活动都是按照州和联邦法律以及全国房地产经纪人协会的道德准则进行的.

Property Maintenance


Discounts for Repairs

我们从当地供应商那里获得批量折扣,以节省维修费用,我们将这些节省的费用转嫁给我们的业主客户. We also offset repair costs from monthly rents collected.

On-Time Rent Collection

We manage all rent collections for your property. 我们有严格的政策和标准来尽可能有效地收取租金.

Eviction Process Handling


Property Accounting and Reporting

我们有一名内部注册会计师负责监督所有会计和报告职能. 我们采用Propertyware管理软件——最全面的综合会计, maintenance, and advertising program.

Monthly Owner Statements


Owner and Tenant Portals

我们让您通过Propertyware所有者门户实时访问您的属性. Prospective residents can apply online with the click of a button, 现有居民在网上支付租金,而不是通过邮寄租金支票, 我们能够更快地处理和响应维护请求.

Full Service Management – Multi Family and Commercial

5-8% of Collected Income

Marketing the Property

We use a comprehensive advertising plan, including online avenues as well as traditional platforms, to reach all potential tenants.

Rent Assessment

We thoroughly research market rates to maximize the rent amount. We also recommend property improvements to increase asking rents.

Finding Tenants


Tenant Screening

我们制定了很高的资格标准,并有详细的申请流程, which includes employment checks, income verification, background checks, face-to-face interviews, rental history checks.

Full Legal Compliance

Our leasing agents are all licensed real estate agents. And, 我们所有的租赁活动都是按照州和联邦法律以及全国房地产经纪人协会的道德准则进行的.

Property Maintenance


Discounts for Repairs

我们从当地供应商那里获得批量折扣,以节省维修费用,我们将这些节省的费用转嫁给我们的业主客户. We also offset repair costs from monthly rents collected.

On-Time Rent Collection

We manage all rent collections for your property. 我们有严格的政策和标准来尽可能有效地收取租金.

Eviction Process Handling


Property Accounting and Reporting

我们有一名内部注册会计师负责监督所有会计和报告职能. 我们采用Propertyware管理软件——最全面的综合会计, maintenance, and advertising program.

Monthly Owner Statements


Owner and Tenant Portals

我们让您通过Propertyware所有者门户实时访问您的属性. Prospective residents can apply online with the click of a button, 现有居民在网上支付租金,而不是通过邮寄租金支票, 我们能够更快地处理和响应维护请求.


*There is no management fee charge during vacancies.
**Fee depends on size, monthly income and size of portfolio.

Client Reviews

Dec 12, 2023
Google - Mary - The Equity Group
Great service! Lady in the office in Porterville is very helpful and nice
Nov 21, 2023
Google - Ed - The Equity Group
I am very impressed with this firm. 一般来说,我对管理公司感到不安,但我完全有信心,并真诚地相信他们的管理是为了我的最大利益.’
Nov 20, 2023
Google - Sander - The Equity Group
I have had an excellent experience with The Equity Group. 他们的网站让我很容易找到我想要的那种房子,而且位置很方便. A staff member facilitated my viewing several available properties. 另一位工作人员耐心地解释了租房的整个过程, from application to lease signing and beyond. Once I had moved into my current apartment, the staff quickly saw to it that several needed repairs were made. 所有与我有过互动的工作人员都非常乐于助人和友好. I would definitely rent from The Equity Group again.
Nov 18, 2023
Google - Shawn - The Equity Group
股权集团的mg冰球突破豪华版试玩和维护在我们的公寓做了惊人的工作. 每次我和他们沟通时,我都对他们的快速和顺畅印象深刻. I'm very appreciative and grateful to rent from them!
Sep 27, 2023
Google - Nick - The Equity Group
多年来,我一直与Equity group有很好的合作经验,我强烈推荐他们提供房地产管理mg冰球突破豪华版试玩.

Ask Us Anything About Property Management and Real Estate

如果你想了解更多关于我们的房产,以及与The Equity Group合作的感受, get in touch. We’d be happy to talk more about our rental properties, our application requirements, and our leasing process.

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